

he Good Earth specializes in premium succulents, palms, tropicals, and indoor plants. Their vast inventory spans three locations and many of their plants are grown in open air.  Pot sizes range from 2” to 24” box specimens, and items are suited for both indoor and outdoor locations in many different climates.

Located in Fallbrook, CA

Use The Good Earth to offer your customers showy, high-quality succulents and foliage plants.  Their 2” pots are perfect for succulent creations and collections, while their larger plants are stand-alone beauties and make great features in displays and installations.  Availability changes quickly and is worth monitoring weekly for new items.  Visit Good Earth’s website for a plant library full of pictures and information.

Watch The Good Earth’s availability for the following specialty products:


2” & 4” succulent assortments


Agaves & Aloes

echeveria raindrops

Aeonium & Echeveria

Euphorbia flanaganii

Firesticks, Medusoid Euphorbias & Euphorbia ammak


Staghorn & Bird’s Nest Ferns

Sedum Donkey's Tail

Hanging Succulents


ZiZi, Pothos & Sanseveria


Collector’s Succulent varieties